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Welcome to The Brāhmī, International Multidisciplinary Research Journal (Peer Reviewed, Referred & Open Access Journal)

The Brāhmī, International Multidisciplinary Research Journal (Peer Reviewed, Referred & Open Access Journal) is an Open Access, Peer Reviewed International Research Journal of Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies. The Brāhmī is published as a Quarterly Journal with 04 issues per year. The Brāhmī covers all disciplines including Arts, Humanities, Language & Literature, Social Sciences. The Brāhmī always strives to be a platform for Academicians, New Researchers and Authors who aspire to publish their innovative ideas and findings.

The Brāhmī, International Multidisciplinary Research Journal (Peer Reviewed, Referred & Open Access Journal) has been established with the aim of disseminating high-quality scholarly information to the research community throughout the world. As open-access publishers, we strive to offer the best-in-class online multidisciplinary publications.

We consider manuscripts for publication from any part of the world and ensure that all submissions are refereed through a peer-review process. The quick and efficient review and publication process makes your papers immediately available online to all readers after publication. All our reviewers undertake to keep submitted manuscripts and associated data confidential and not redistribute them without permission from the journal.

Aims and Scope

The Brāhmī, International Multidisciplinary Research Journal (Peer Reviewed, Referred & Open Access Journal) aims to establish itself as a platform for exchanging ideas in new emerging trends that needs more focus and exposure and is always committed to publish articles that will strengthen the knowledge of academicians and upcoming Researchers.

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