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What is The Brāhmī?

The Brāhmī is an international multidisciplinary research journal aimed at providing a platform for scholars, researchers, and academicians to publish their original research findings across various disciplines.

What disciplines does The Brāhmī cover?

The Brāhmī covers a wide range of disciplines including but not limited to:

  • Arts
  • Humanities
  • Language & Literature
  • Social Sciences

What types of manuscripts does The Brāhmī accept?

The journal accepts original research articles, to the editor, which presents novel and significant findings.

Is The Brāhmī peer-reviewed?

Yes, The Brāhmī follows a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the quality and validity of the research published in the journal. All submitted manuscripts undergo double-blind peer review by experts in the respective fields.

How often is The Brāhmī published?

The Brāhmī is published quarterly, releasing four (04) issues per year. This ensures a regular dissemination of new research findings to the academic community.

Is The Brāhmī open access?

Yes, The Brāhmī follows an open-access publishing model, meaning that all articles published in the journal are freely accessible to readers worldwide without any subscription or access fees.

How often is the journal published?

Every 3 Months, a total of 4 issues per year.

What are the benefits of publishing in The Brāhmī?

  • Publishing in The Brāhmī offers several benefits, including:
  • Increased visibility and citation of your research
  • Wide dissemination of your findings to a global audience
  • Collaboration opportunities with fellow researchers and scholars
  • Contribution to the advancement of knowledge in your field

How can I submit my manuscript to The Brāhmī?

Authors can submit their manuscripts through the online submission system on The Brāhmī website. Detailed instructions for authors, including manuscript formatting guidelines, can be found on the journal’s website.

Alternatively, the manuscript can be mailed to [email protected]

Who can I contact for further inquiries about The Brāhmī?

For further inquiries or assistance, you can contact the editorial office through the email([email protected]). Our editorial team is dedicated to providing prompt and helpful assistance to authors and readers alike.

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