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1TBV01I04-001Inner realization paves the way to infinite blissSubal Chandra Sahoo01-07
2TBV01I04-002काव्यदोषविषये मम्मटसम्मतमलङ्कारदोषसमीक्षणम्Sumanta Patra08-16
3TBV01I04-003न्यायनये प्रमाणस्वरूपम्Biplab Sarkar17-21
4TBV01I04-004भाषाविज्ञानदृष्ट्या समासप्रकरणे पाणिनिना प्रयुक्तानां केषाश्चित् पारिभाषिकशब्दानां तुलनात्मकमध्ययनम्Subhashree Nayak22-26
5TBV01I04-005The Intellectual and Architectural Legacy of Nalanda, Taxila, and Vikramashila: Guardians of Knowledge and Information RetrievalManeesh GS27-37
6TBV01I04-006Defying the Slut Shaming: Gender & Sexuality in Shobhaa De’s Socialite Evenings.Raju Rana38-46
7TBV01I04-007इष्टियागेषु प्रमुखकाम्येष्टियागानां तत्त्वविमर्शनम्Supriya Singha47-52
8TBV01I04-008Literary Culture of Early Medieval Bengal: The Non-literates as Recipients in the Periphery of the World of LiteratesPriyankara Bhattacharya53-58
9TBV01I04-009The Origin and Development of BrahmīDr. Saritanjali Nayak59-64
10TBV01I04-010रघुनाथभट्टकृता त्रिंशच्छ्लोकविवृत्यानुसारमाशौचव्यवस्था- एकमध्ययनम्Dr. Pranati Panda65-69
11TBV01I04-011संस्कृत साहित्य को जैनाचार्य पद्मसुन्दरसूरि का अवदानRohit Sundrayal70-75
12TBV01I04-012Impact of brick manufacturing on environment in Berhampore C.D. block, West Bengal, India.Nilufar Yasmin76-81
13TBV01I04-013श्रीमद्भगवद्गीतायाः आत्मप्रसङ्गः : एक अध्ययनम्।Dr. Alisha Biswal82-87
14TBV01I04-014The idea of a linguistic ‘nation’: conceptualizing literary perspectives of classical languages and vernacularsBhargodev Sengupta88-95
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