1 | TBV01I01-001 | Akṣaya Tṛtīyā Festival of Odisha: Celebrating Divine Beginnings with Lord Jagannātha | Prof. Subash Chandra Dash | 01- 04 |  |
2 | TBV01I01-002 | Sound theology of oṁ as the core of symbolism Mystery of the universe existence | I Ketut Donder,
Ni Ketut Ratini
Prasanthy Devi Maheswari
| 05-18 |  |
3 | TBV01I01-003 | Exploring the Timeless Artistry: The Essential Elements of Sanskrit Drama | Laxman Majhi | 19-24 |  |
4 | TBV01I01-004 | Language Endangerment in Odisha | Dr. Kailadbou Daimai | 25-30 |  |
5 | TBV01I01-005 | A Critical and Thematic Study of Banamali Biswal’s “Bubhukṣā” | Dr. Richa Biswal | 31-40 |  |
6 | TBV01I01-006 | संस्कृतशास्त्रेषु नारी | Dr. Sushree Sasmita Pati | 41-44 |  |
7 | TBV01I01-007 | Ancient Indian Science and Technology in Sanskrit Texts (śāstras) | Rutam Biswal | 45-54 |  |
8 | TBV01I01-008 | An Exploratory Analysis of the Causes of Metaphorical Rhythm in Indian Music: A Lyrical Controversial Rhythm | Sri Binod Bihari Rout | 55-64 |  |
9 | TBV01I01-009 | ଗଣକବି ବୈଷ୍ଣବ ପାଣିଙ୍କ ସାହିତ୍ୟ ସର୍ଜନାରେ ଭାଷା ପ୍ରୟୋଗର ବିଭିନ୍ନତା | ଡଃ. ଇତିଶ୍ରୀ ଦାଶ | 65-70 |  |
10 | TBV01I01-010 | The Role of Education in the Upanishads: Philosophical Insights and Methodologies | Dr. Shantipriya Devi | 71-78 |  |
11 | TBV01I01-011 | पाणिनीयपरम्परायां त्रिमुनिव्याकरणस्य वैदग्ध्यम् | डः सुलग्ना लेंका | 79-84 |  |
12 | TBV01I01-012 | Aims of Education during Vedic Period in India | Dr. Chandra Kanta Panda | 85-93 |  |
13 | TBV01I01-013 | कुशभद्रामहाकाव्ये काव्यसौन्दर्यम् | डा.प्रियङ्का महान्त | 94-98 |  |
14 | TBV01I01-014 | India’s Integral Role in Climate Negotiations: Balancing Development and Sustainability | Santosh Kumar Sahoo | 99-103 |  |
15 | TBV01I01-015 | वेदान्तसांख्यदर्शनदिशा त्रिगुणविमर्शः | डाँ सुदेष्णा दाशः | 104-108 |  |
16 | TBV01I01-016 | Examining the Impact of India's Digital Revolution on Higher Education: A Comprehensive Assessment | Deviprasad Dash | 109-113 |  |
17 | TBV01I01-017 | पौराणिक उपन्यासकार के रूप में नरेंद्र कोहली | सुश्री पार्वती बारिक | 114-116 |  |
18 | TBV01I01-018 | Breaking Boundaries: A Study of the Innovative Effects of Teacher-Created Materials on ESL Education in Primary Schools | Sruti Mishra | 117-123 |  |
19 | TBV01I01-019 | चित्तप्रसादनाय मैत्रीकरुणामुदितोपेक्षाणामपरिहार्यता | सस्मिता सेठी | 124-128 |  |
20 | TBV01I01-020 | Types of yoga & their widespread Health benefits | Sagar Mantry | 129-138 |  |
21 | TBV01I01-021 | Reflections of Daily Life in Medieval Odishan Literature | Pravakar Sethi | 139-148 |  |
22 | TBV01I01-022 | श्रीमद्भगवद्गीतायां त्यागवैभवम् | डाँ.पद्मा देवी | 149-153 |  |
23 | TBV01I01-023 | Healing the Body and Mind through Yogic Movement | Sujata Jena | 154-164 |  |
24 | TBV01I01-024 | ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଭ୍ରମଣ ସାହିତ୍ୟର ପରିସର ଓ ବ୍ୟାପ୍ତି | ମେନନ ସାହୁ | 165-170 |  |
25 | TBV01I01-025 | न्यायनये शाब्दबोधविचारः - एकमध्ययनम् | नकुल कुमार साहुः | 171-175 |  |